Hi there! I'm Sam A.K.A. Sammy or Marsworms, and this is my own little corner of the World Wide Web!
I originally made this site back in April, 2022, as just a for-fun hobby project and a place to host my art, writing, and links to stuff I like. Haven't been as active working on it as I'd like, but hopefully that'll change into the future. The revamp is still a work in progress, so please excuse some links not taking you anywhere, and check back here for updates!
From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free!
Here are a few of my favorite things (the type of stuff you will find on this site!)
- Horror media (movies, stories, games, art, web content)
- The paranormal/cryptids/UFOs
- Dungeons and Dragons (especially OSR DnD)
- World history (especially the history of the Middle East and Islam, which I focused on in school, but with lots of additional historical interests)
- Socialism
- Zoology (especially entomology, herpetology, marine biology)
- Twin Peaks and basically everything else by David Lynch
- et cetera
If you want, you can also find me on:
- Tumblr
- Twitter (I'm relatively new to actually using Twitter)
- And, well, really the best place to get in touch with me is Discord, but I'm not about to post that publicly!
The year in review, month by month!
Click upon the guestbook's gravestone to read the archive from 123guestbook, now defunct.
Click on the frog to go to my amphibians page!


A film festival of vampire movies I hosted. More movie reviews coming soon!
"Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past." -Karl Marx |
"I am human, and I think nothing human is alien to me." -Terence |
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground" -Frederick Douglass |
"Before a revolution happens, it is perceived as impossible; after it happens, it is seen as having been inevitable." -Rosa Luxemburg |
Click here to view the original homepage design before the revamp (a few images are broken now, unfortunately, but it is otherwise intact).
Site Updates |
March 6th, 2025: Added a month-by-month year in review page, inspired by the month-by-month year in review page created by humantooth! I still rlly need to finish the vampire movie reviews. I'll bump that up to a front burner for March. |
December 9th, 2024: Finally got around to archiving my old guestbook, originally hosted on 123guestbook. The archive can be read here! Also, check out my new guestbook! EDIT: I also finally got my Scraps Midden up and running! This is basically a blog, powered by Zonelets, with a purposefully low-key vibe of just sharing little things I want to share. |
November 23rd, 2024: Added the surreal isolation horror story Alone After Midnight to the writings page. |
Click here to go to the Squirmzone's update log! |
Thank you to Ty of Mindstorm and Ian of Benign Brown beast for providing HTML help to fix the broken border on my updates log!
Thank you to my friend Duan'duliir for helping me fix the spacing of the sidebar buttons!
Also the BIGGEST thanks to Comrade Pollux over at Kill Your Dungeon Master for extensive HTML help, guidance, and education. I owe you my life.