The Squirmzone's...

Library of Ancient Writings!

Or, well, not that ancient. Here I'll be collecting together things I've written, as of right now (July 14, 2024), that is entirely short stories that I have already uploaded to the Squirmzone, but in the future I'll add some more, and likely branch out into hosting some of my nonfiction/essay work as well. Check out the stories linked below!

A Kiss in Leningrad: My first and only real attempt at writing something entirely tender and romantic, written back during the height of the pandemic. Two close friends discovering how much they care for one another in a cool autumnal Leningrad in the 1970s.

Kazza of Killopolis

Kazza was a sword & sorcery character I came up with back in high school, though I only ever ended up writing two stories featuring her. Still pretty proud of how they turned out though, and I might return to the character someday.

Kazza of Killopolis in The Bog of Beasts: Will our valiant hero Kazza survive the fetid Swamplands of Yugga and survive to defeat the dread Guttersnipe?
Kazza of Killopolis in The Pit of Peril: Will our brutal hero Kazza survive the deadly pit of peril, where sword clangs against sword and man against man?

Horror Stories

Honestly most of the creative fiction I write is horror in one form or another. Two of the stories below are first-person paranormal tales; one is a straightforward account, while the other is an "archival" story, told in the form of collected documents (like a text-based found footage movie). The third is a body horror story that I wrote in the hopes of getting professionally published, to, unfortunately, no success.

Ceaseless Growth: A woman begins to experience excessive, unnatural, and distressing hair growth, with other terrible effects. Content warning for body horror, descriptions of gore, and themes of body image issues.
I Saw Something Terrible Through the Eyes of the Jack-o-Lantern: An "archival" tale about a small Ohio town beset by a wave of mysterious animal mutilations and attempted child kidnappings; but what connects them?
Tractor Beams: Self-explanatory.

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