Hiya! I'm Sam or Sammy, and this is my own little corner of the World Wide Web! I wanted to make a website for fun, and to host links and some of my writing and art, and so this has been created! Still very much a work in progress though, I only just got the thing today! I'll update it with more content in the future, so stay tuned for that!
To Do List:
Here are a few of my favorite things:
Here's where else you can find me on the World Wide Web!
Click on the frog to go to my amphibians page!
Check out some of my writing!
Kazza of Killopolis in the Bog of Beasts: Not my most recent work, but one that I am still quite proud of! The first sword n' sorcery tale featuring my character Kazza.
Kazza of Killopolis in the Pit of Peril: Also like three years old at this point, but here's the second Kazza story!I Saw Something Terrible Through the Eyes of the Jack-o-Lantern: A mysterious spate of animal mutilations and attempted child kidnappings, all connected to an empty lot recently full of pumpkins. My first attempt at an archival/pseudo-epistolary story!
Tractor Beams: Self explanatory.
Check out my gallery of weird horror and fantasy digital photo collages!
A film festival of vampire movies I hosted. More movie reviews coming soon!
A personality quiz I made three years ago that I figured I should link to here!
Click the Monster Manual to find out which iconic D&D monster you are!
Visit my site's guestbook! Sign it, leave me a little message or somethin'!
Check out my friend Logan's cool little text game, The Moonlight Glistening! Click on the image, or click here to visit his itch.io page!
"Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past." -Karl Marx |
"I am human, and I think nothing human is alien to me." -Terence |
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground" -Frederick Douglass |
"Before a revolution happens, it is perceived as impossible; after it happens, it is seen as having been inevitable." -Rosa Luxemburg |
Site Updates |
January 16th, 2024: Added a little sticky note graphic for a website to-do list :) I'm hoping to more concertedly work on the site in the coming weeks/months. |
June 27th, 2023: Added two more short stories I've written, this time two horror stories: I Saw Something Terrible Through the Eyes of the Jack-o-Lantern and Tractor Beams! |
June 26th, 2023: Fixed the broken border on this very updates log (it wasn't displaying at all when viewed in FireFox), and changed the Marx quote from "The philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." to the opening quote from the Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. |
Click here to go to the Squirmzone's update log! |
Thank you to Ty of Mindstorm and Ian of Benign Brown beast for providing HTML help to fix the broken border on my updates log!
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!