The Squirmzone's...
Hoard of Hyperlinks!

Have been meaning to make a links page since... well, pretty much since I first made this site, so after much delay, here it is! The collection below isn't final, as with all things.
Art and Inspiration
- The Insidious Bogleech, a site personally really important and influential to me, and one of the first sites I ever found online! Also, overlaps some with the right column with articles on entomology, marine biology, etc.!
History, Philosophy, and Science
- Sci-Hub, free access to (most) academic articles!
- The Marxists Internet Archive, providing free online access to works by hundreds of Marxist thinkers, leaders, and revolutionaries.
- Cosmonaut Magazine, one of my favorite online publications.
- Monthly Review, an independent socialist magazine since 1949.
- Decolonize Palestine, providing links and resources on Palestinian history and liberation.
- Perseus Digital Library, online library of (predominantly) classical Greek and Roman texts in original language and translation.
- Working Classicists
- Persian Literature in Translation, the largest collection of English translations of Persian literature I've ever found online, hosted by the Packard Humanities Institute.
- A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry
- Genizah Fragments, a blog all about the Cairo Genizah, a collection of 400,000+ documents produced (primarily) by Cairo's Jewish community from the 500s to the 1800s.
- Thicket & Thorp, the blog of Islamic/Ottoman historian Dr. Jonathan Parkes Allen. He also writes poetry!
- Revolution's Newsstand, reproducing articles, pamphlets, and more from the history of the early American Left.
- African History Extra
- For by art is created that great LEVIATHAN, writings on history, politics, and modern jihad movements from Rob Ashlar
- Chuang, a journal and blog on modern China.
- Lateral Thinking Technology, political essays and alternate history short stories.
- Social Democracy: An Alternate History, a browser-based text-based political simulator where YOU lead the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands!
- The Hajj Trail, a browser-based game simulating going on hajj in the early modern Ottoman Empire!
- Tetrapod Zoology, one of my all-time favorite blogs, run by paleontologist and cryptozoology enthusiast Darren Naish
- Possibly more (as I remember or discover them), but maybe I should break up the list some if I keep adding to it!
Links to Friends and Neighbors

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